› added 8 years ago


TIL Jake Lloyd (Young Anakin from the Phantom Menace) said that Star Wars destroyed his life. He was constantly hounded and harrassed because people hated the character he played so much.

Oomo1 TIL There was a Chinese man who faked his way into becoming a musician for the King of Qi without knowing how to play the instrument at all. He imitated movements of other musicians and was paid a good salary in the ensemble until the King died. The new King preferred solo performances, so he fled
d80R7 TIL about imposter syndrome, a psychological condition that causes the sufferer to feel as though they are a fraud, and that their success is not because of their intelligence or hard work, but merely a result of luck or happenstance, and that they're about to be exposed at anytime.
GA7JN TIL Simeon Stylites lived on top of columns for 37 years. Simeon did this as a form of asceticism because when he lived in a cave people kept making pilgrimages to him and asking him religious questions. Ultimately his column life drew in even bigger crowds who would climb ladders to talk to him.
MVBB TIL that the etymology of ‘internet trolls’ is from fishing (e.g. trolling for fish), rather than describing ugly large humanoids with poor intellect.
Z8WMB TIL When Congress imposed a gag rule in 1836 to suppress debate about slavery, ex-President John Quincy Adams refused to comply, risking censure and spending the next eight years introducing thousands of antislavery petitions until the rule was repealed.