› added 2 days ago


TIL that brown rats originate from China and only spread to the rest of the old world during the Middle Ages.

X000X TIL that the Animals broke up because, while touring in Japan in 1968, their manager was kidnapped by the tour promoters, who were Yakuza, and put him up for ransom. After the manager escaped, the band was forced to flee the country or be killed by the Yakuza, leaving all of their tour gear behind.
J1OWm TIL in 1494, Christopher Columbus recorded an encounter with the now-extinct Caribbean Monk Seal near the island of Hispaniola, his men killed 8 seals as they slept on the beach
jNEaE TIL Tivadar Kosztka, an early twentieth century Hungarian painter, made an oddly asymmetrical artwork called The Old Fisherman. It was recently discovered that the painting contains two hidden images by mirroring just the left or the right side, which creates a symmetrical image of God or the Devil.
4k6Wg TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone.
QJKap TIL about Mary A. and Barbara F., both were born the same day, 157 years apart. Before they died, they both joined a friend and then went to dance. They both met their killer the same day and they both died the same day at the same place. Both killers were called Thornton and both were acquitted.