› added 4 months ago


TIL that the Thoroughbred racehorse Equipoise (1928–1938), mentioned in the song "Fugue for Tinhorns" from the 1950 musical 'Guys and Dolls', was a real-life stakes winner. While "Epitaph" is fictional, the American Quarter Horse stallion and racehorse Go Man Go was a great-grandson of Equipoise.

vKmj TIL a documentary aired on the History Channel in 2003 that directly implicated LBJ in Kennedy’s assassination. Lady Bird Johnson and two ex-presidents then threatened the History Channel with legal action and the documentary was withdrawn permanently.
wGkM TIL ex-Army veteran from California was arrested for driving to Detroit’s largest mosque with a trunk full of explosives. The mainstream media has completely ignored this story.
QJEM9 TIL that after accounting for calories burned when pedalling, a person riding a bicycle has an equivalent energy use of 732 mpg. For comparison, electric cars only have around 100 mpg equivalent.
9YepG TIL In the 1960’s, Paul Klipsch was found in his office, stripped down to his skivvies with the thermostat set to high. He was trying to determine why early calculators would quit when operated at high temperatures. He later sent a letter to the manufacturer, explaining the source of the problem.
n9Wr TIL: Jackie Chan did NOT voice Jackie Chan in Jackie Chan Adventures. Jackie Chan only appeared on Jackie Chan Adventures as the live-action Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan Adventures Jackie Chan was voice by Jackie Chan Impersonator… James Sie