› added 9 months ago


TIL caffeine enhances physical performance, endurance, muscle strength and power

KOaaw TIL about the Totnes Orange Race. It's an event held every year where people chase oranges down a street. It's based on a story involving Sir Frances Drake bumping into a delivery of oranges which caused children to chase after them since they were an expensive fruit at the time.
W70AA TIL in Castel Sant'Angelo, Hall of Cupid and Psyche was the bedroom of the apartment built by Pope Paul III Farnese in the 1540s. Here Psyche is the personification of the soul (Psyché means "soul" in Greek) and the tasks she underwent represent the path to spiritual elevation towards salvation.
8aVwG TIL in 1938 nazi Germany began an expedition to challenge Norwegian claims in Antarctica, primarily for control of whale oil; a hotly desired commodity for the production of margarine. The story has since developed into a conspiracy theory about secret nazi ice bases supported by alien technology
xVA57 TIL Wesley Snipes led cops in Florida on a 120mph chase on his Kawasaki 1100 before crashing it and got caught/fined for carrying a concealed handgun in California without a concealed carry permit after crashing another bike.
a8G9b TIL that in 2012, a crucified Jesus statue in India started dripping water from it's feet. Hundreds of believers flocked to the dripping cross, collecting and consuming the “holy” water. It was later revealed that the source of the water was a clogged toilet from a nearby washroom.