› added 2 years ago


TIL that a species of beetle endemic to Slovenia is being poached by Nazi items collectors because of its name: Anophthalmus hitleri. It was chosen in honor of Adolph Hitler, in 1933, by a German collector, Oskar Scheibel.

0yWL TIL that the metallic smell of money is actually your body oils breaking down in the presence of iron or copper. You can see this by using a paper towel to pick up a penny smelling it - no odor. Then rub your sweaty/oily fingers on it and notice the strong metallic odor. Money doesn’t smell, you do.
OoPL6 TIL Daniel Radcliffe has a mild form of the neurological disorder developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia). The motor skill disorder sometimes prevents him from doing simple activities, such as writing or tying his own shoelaces.
gd77 TIL that NCAA player George Glamack (AKA “the Blind Bomber”) had such poor eyesight that he never looked where he was shooting. Instead, he looked at the black lines on the court to know where he was in reference to the basket and measured the shot. He scored the forth-highest total in UNC history.
PYm6E TIL that the name Vermont comes from the French "verd mont" meaning green mountain.
Z90B TIL that a lost wallet is more likely to be returned if you have a photo of a baby in it. In a 2009 study, 88% of wallets with a baby photo were returned, followed by wallets with a photo of a puppy (53%), family (48%) and an old couple (28%). Only 15% of control wallets were returned.