› added 9 years ago


TIL the first president of Zimbabwe was named President Banana

VMpkB TIL a Disney Cruise worker vanished from a cruise. She was seen looking distraught on camera then vanished. Disney were uncooperative & claimed she fell overboard despite the fact there was no bad weather & she was last seen in the opposite end of the ship to where they claimed she fell.
b9yp7 TIL That in Ruilson, Colarado in 1969 became a test site for nukes. In doing this the US tried to use this as a method to drill for natural gas. The only issue? It made it unsuitable for civilian use. A plague now stands there that was erected in 1976
WkA1B TIL the founder of Hyundai was born to an impoverished family of peasants in what is now North Korea. In 1998, he sent 1001 cows to his hometown in North Korea as a repayment 1000 times over for a cow that he stole in the early 1930s to afford his train ticket to Seoul and escape from poverty.
rRNd4 To strain out the nasty stuff we breathe in. It’s like an air filter in your house, says Justin Turner, an otolaryngologist (short, sort of, for otorhinolaryngologist, Greek for ear (oto), nose (rhino), and throat (laryng)) at Stanford University. Nose hairs trap dirt, viruses, bacteria and toxins until we blow them out, sneeze, or swallow.
kZmW TIL there’s a scene in Game of Thrones where a Meereenese rider is challenging Daenerys’ champion, shouting “Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries” in Low Valyrian.