› added 8 years ago


TIL in the 70s the US tapped an underwater comm line located between two USSR harbors using navy divers deployed from a submarine. Submarines returned with divers every month to retrieve the tapes, and The soviets never found out despite having a network of sonar sensors!

v1GoK TIL that while sitting down while peeing is getting more and more popular, it's also good and healthy for men. It helps emptying the bladder, and thus can prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections. Claims that it could prevent prostate problems however are yet to be verified.
7r4OM TIL that the FDA has no food regulation powers and that a lot of food produced in America has to have a healthier version made to be sellable in other countries: other markets have a “prove it’s safe or you can’t sell it” policy whereas America uses the “we say it’s safe, prove it’s not” model.
KOg94 TIL actress Louise Fletcher, who won an Oscar for Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and played Kai Winn on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, was born to parents who were both deaf. She was taught to speak by a hearing aunt, who also introduced her to acting.
7r5X7 TIL that in 1993, scientist Cesare Emiliani proposed switching the Gregorian calendar to the Holocene calendar which would account for the entirety of human civilization, starting 12,000 years ago at Year 0. Making the current year 12021 HE (Human Era).
xWPb TIL if you eat a polar bears liver you will probably die. It contains more vitamin A than the human body can tolerate.