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TIL In the 1920s, architect Robert Hugman envisioned San Antonio would have tour boats like the gondolas of Venice with Spanish design and a shopping district called Romula. After construction began in 1939, the River Walk only became commercially successful in 1970

p8yYp TIL The Brazilian Expeditionary Force landed in Italy on July 2, 1944, two years after Brazil declared war on the Axis. The BEF landed without weapons, and since there was no arrangement for barracks, the troops remained on the docks. This lack of planning caused controversy in the Brazilian media.
69V6X TIL forced adoption in Australia was the practice of taking babies from unmarried mothers, against their will, & placing them for adoption. It occurred in the late 20th century, with around 250,000 Australian children estimated to have been removed from their families and handed to infertile couples
KYyjQ TIL About "Right to Charge" laws to make it easier for non-homeowners, including people who live in HOA's, condos or renters, etc to set up charging stations for EV cars. Currently 10 states in the US have these laws to varying degrees.
Xy7E TIL In studying its buyers about 10 years ago, Subaru found that an unusually large share of owners in Northampton, Mass., were women. It conducted a focus group and discovered that many of them were lesbians, says John Nash, president of the Moon City Productions advertising agency.
l7Ror TIL: Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin commissioned Sergei Eisenstein to make his two-part epic film "Ivan the Terrible". Part I he loved, but Part II he disliked so immensely that he banned it. There was supposed to be a Part III, which would never be made.