› added 1 year ago


TIL The lead singer of the Gin Blossoms was forced out of the band due to addictions issues, and the record company withheld $15k owed to him until he signed over most his royalties. Shortly after the band scored a hit single with one his songs. He committed suicide a few months later.

Eg0AP TIL that GameMill Publishing (Skull island: Rise of Kong) Also published Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
MeggK TIL of the Benjamin Franklin effect that causes people to like someone more after doing them a favor. When Franklin asked his rival for a rare book and returned it with a note of thanks, Franklin’s rival spoke to him with great civility and offered help, leading the two men to become good friends.
OooD6 TIL Brazilian footballer Carlos Kaiser staged his whole career for 24 years: he could barely kick a ball. In the first training session with every new team, the con man usually suffered a "muscle injury" that would keep him out for an indefinite period.
wLOG6 TIL that when hooked up to a brain scanner, expert level meditators are in a constant gamma wave brain state. Most people only experience a few moments of gamma brain waves at times of great joy or accomplishment. When meditating on compassion their gamma levels jump 700-800%.
pJnp TIL that in the 1980s Fats Domino decided he would no longer leave New Orleans, claiming he could not get any food that he liked any place else. He refused to go to his induction to the RocknRoll Hall of Fame and an invitation to play at the White House. (xpost from r/NewOrleans