› added 9 months ago


TIL the infamous backup rescue story of Toy Story 2 actually didn't rescue the film. Many of the creative staff at Pixar were not happy with how the sequel was turning out. Pixar decided to redevelop the story and the released film had to be done in just 9 months

1ELO TIL the Jesuit Order is credited as the single most important contributor to experimental physics in the 17th and 18th Centuries, with significant contributions to the study of magnetism, optics, and electricity; observed the colored bands of Jupiters surface, the Andromeda nebula, and Saturns Rings
ne4gr TIL that ‘The Shining’s’ Sally Duvall experienced a 'living hell" due to Kubrick’s direction, including making her to cry for 12 hours a day, forcing her to do the same emotional scene 127 times, and reaming her out for missing a cue.
Xg8j TIL that republicans gerrymandered a district in Pennsylvania to eliminate a democratic house representative in 2002. The new district formed a finger that contained his house, but not the spot where he parked his car. He was forced to run against another democrat for representative and lost.
VBwMZ TIL a cat was rescued from the roof of an apartment building near Ground Zero 18 days after 9/11. The cat, named Precious, survived by drinking from contaminated rainwater. She was treated for burnt paws, eye irritation, and malnourishment.
dGdE TIL that cave systems were recently discovered beneath Antarctica which are warm enough to wear t-shirts in, and in which it is said a “lost world” of new animals and plants may exist