› added 2 years ago


TIL Eastern Whip-poor-wills lay their eggs in phase with the lunar cycle, so that they hatch on average 10 days before a full moon. When the moon is near full, the adults can forage the entire night and capture large quantities of insects to feed to their nestlings.

0opR TIL Google’s most efficient data center runs at 95 degrees using only fresh air cooling, which means no air conditioning units burning through electricity every day; the servers run so hot that humans cannot go near them for extended periods.
gbLb TIL that Kim Jong Il wanted to create North Korean version of Hollywood and KIDNAPPED South Korean director Shin Sang-ok and his wife in 1978 and forced them to make seven movies for the regime. The couple escaped in Vienna during a film festival.
mxPXM TIL H1N1 virus (swine flu) continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.
6ELZ8 TIL of Talitha Kum, a network of thousands of Catholic nuns working to end subjugation of women. The religious sisters reportedly masquerade as prostitutes in order to rescue women from brothels. The term Talitha Kum is Aramaic from the Gospel of Mark which means "Maiden, I say to you, arise."
Y7mA7 TIL Australia has two venomous snakes that live above the snow line in the Australian Alps. The White-lipped snake and Alpine copperhead. The Alpine copperhead is capable of inflicting fatal bites. In 2015 a man was bitten in the Kosciusko National Park in winter and airlifted to hospital.