› added 4 months ago


TIL the dark lava cricket of Hawaii lives exclusively on recently cooled lava flows and feeds entirely on windblown debris. It has been seen merely 100 meters from an active volcanic vent, but never within 15 meters of established vegetation.

jNVOn TIL that after the band Chumbawamba was paid $100,000 by General Motors for the use of their song "Pass it Along" in an ad, they then donated 100% of the proceeds to activist groups for the purpose of beginning information and environmental campaigns against GM.
PeVe TIL that ‘Intergalactic’ by the Beastie Boys was based on a classical composition called “Night on Bald Mountain.”
bxx0 TIL of Draco, the Ancient Greek legislator who wrote the first code of law in Athens. Over time his laws were seen as increasingly harsh and punitive, which is why we say a law is “draconian” when the punishment is too extreme for the crime.
VBXXB TIL of LaVere Redfield, an American multimillionaire who was discovered to be hoarding a massive collection of around 270k silver Morgan dollars and postage stamps in his basement during a robbery in 1952. Following his death in 1974, his heirs uncovered even more coins hidden, around 7.3 million.
yrRV TIL that play testers for the original Super Mario Brothers found the Koopa Troopa enemies too difficult. Nintendo added in simpler enemies at the very end of production, just to teach players how to beat enemies. They were Goombas, and became the most recognizable enemy in the Mario franchise.