› added 9 months ago


TIL that the children’s song “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” is a sanitized version of “Do Your Balls Hang Low?”, which was popular with British soldiers in WWI. General Douglas Haig once heard a column of soldiers singing it and went to berate their commander, only to find the commander singing along.

Oo9ke TIL scientists reverse engineered a natural memory by mapping the brain circuits underlying its formation, then “trained” another animal by stimulating brain cells in the pattern of the natural memory, which created an artificial memory that was indistinguishable from the natural one.
yVZV8 TIL: Boeing threatened congress on cancelling MAX planes unless they get a reprieve from safety regulations. After getting faa to previously relax rules for them contributing to death.
NPYQ TIL that Target (yes, that Target) runs a state of the art crime lab, one of only twelve accredited private labs in the world, on its corporate campus in Minnesota. It often provides outside assistance to law enforcement at no charge and has been involved in a number of high profile cases.
pOw4 TIL Walt Disney’s staff once presented him with a cartoon on his birthday depicting Snow White having sex with the seven dwarfs. Disney applauded at the film’s ingenuity and casually wondered who was responsible. When the blushing illustrators identified themselves, Disney fired them.
7rV5r TIL J.K. Simmons, who played music teacher Terence Fletcher in “Whiplash”, has a music degree from the University of Montana, with a major in voice and minors in composing and conducting.