› added 7 years ago


TIL That Wild Bill Hickok once escaped being shot by waving his hand at onlookers behind a mounted gunman and yelling, “Don’t shoot him in the back; he is drunk.” The gunman wheeled his horse around, and before he realized he had been fooled, Hickok shot him through the temple.

J1vnj TIL: There is a study in Japan which examines why people play dating sims. They found it mostly appealed to lonely individuals seeking to develop social skills or experience love. The psychological benefits are similar to a real relationship in reducing stress and boosting satisfaction.
woyNW TIL The Tower of the Americas in San Antonio had several instances where visitors were stuck because the elevators did not work due to debris in the elevator cables or power failures
78onM TIL in 1967, gay rights activist John Nichols appeared in an NBC documentary called The Homosexuals. He used the pseudonym "Warren Atkins". His father was an FBI agent and feared he would lose his security clearance if they found out his son was gay, to the point of threatening to kill him.
yVloM TIL that piston-engined aircraft still add lead to their fuel. In a deliberate attempt at lessening the perceived impact, high lead is called "low leaded fuel," and leaded fuel is called "very low leaded fuel" despite there being no safe upper limit for lead additives in fuel
wLeRP TIL that some medical devices have to be built from a diminishing amount of steel made before WWII, because all steel afterwards is contaminated with radiation.