› added 11 years ago


TIL The Walton family has given away about 2% of its net worth to charity – Bill Gates is giving away 48% of his net worth and Warren Buffet 78% of his net worth.

KaMG TIL on April 5, 1943 the Destroyer USS O'Bannon encountered a Japanese submarine. Too close to fire their guns, the crew threw potatoes at the Japanses sailors, who thought they were grenades, distracting them long enough to get distance from the sub, fire their guns, and eventually sink it.
d8gME TIL that an area in North Africa of 45 km × 45 km could supply Germany with all of its electrical power through solar energy, an area of 110 km × 110 km could power the European Union, and an area of 254 km × 254 km could power the globe.
9Z77 TIL that a mild electric shock to a persons brain can improve their maths skills for up to six months. This could help treat the nearly 20 percent of the population with moderate to severe dyscalculia (math disability).
5V7kn TIL where the word "Gerrymander" comes from. The 1812 Massachusetts Congress redrew the state districts to give their party electoral advantage, which Gov. Elbridge Gerry signed into law. A local paper compared the shape of one district to a salamander, coining the term "Gerry-mander", which stuck.
E1Rww TIL that Thomas Young proved that light is a wave, described elasticity, capillary action, explained how our eyes focus and see color, compared the grammar and vocabulary of 400 languages, deciphered hieroglyphs and contributed to music theory. He is called "The Last Man Who Knew Everything".