› added 7 years ago


TIL in 1997, an “anonymous party” sold 1.5 million shares of Apple stock, causing Apple to hit a 12-year low in stock price. That event lead to then-CEO Gil Amelio stepping down and placing Steve Jobs as new CEO of Apple. That anonymous party was later revealed to be Steve Jobs himself.

N7W8e TIL Interstate 10 in Texas is the longest continuous untolled freeway in North America that is operated by a single authority, the longest stretch of Interstate Highway with a single designation within a single state (877.455mi), and a portion of it is believed to be the widest freeway (26 lanes)
Ego0P TIL that in World War I, a homing pigeon named Cher Ami was shot by the Germans, but managed to keep flying and carry the message of help. Thanks to this, 194 American soldiers were saved
x69E7 TIL a professional football team from Wales included a clause in a players contract he must have a “physical liaison” with a sheep.
GbBJ TIL - in 1968, Billy Joel looped some random cables around his shoulder, put on a fake Bristish accent, and pretended to be Jimi Hendrix’s roadie to sneak into a concert. He wound up being convincing enough to actually be put to work as a stagehand during the show.
N7YwJ TIL a Vietnamese man was hospitalized unconscious from consuming too much methanol alcohol; doctors transfused 15 cans of beer about 1 per hr into his body to revive him. The liver breaks down ethanol before methanol which gave doctors more time to do dialysis to remove the alcohol from his system.