› added 7 years ago


TIL that Mr. T’s wearing of gold chains and other jewelry was a result of customers losing or leaving them after a fight at the club where he worked as a bouncer. He would stand out front wearing the items in case people who was kicked out came looking for them. He was a living lost and found

wLQXE TIL that in 2015, a radio DJ in Austria barricaded himself into his studio and played Wham's 'Last Christmas' 24 times in a row. He did it as a protest for lack of holiday spirit, and only stopped after his 4-year-old daughter called in to complain.
ne9nd TIL Kevin Mitnick, the most famous computer hacker in the world, spent 8 months of a 5 year prison sentence in solitary confinement because law enforcement convinced a judge he had the ability to "start a nuclear war ... by dialing into the NORAD modem via payphone and whistling codes"
4X9ka TIL that advanced robotics startup RoboKind is working with up to 50 school districts to subsidize $500,000 in software development education.
BgEgb TIL that due to industry influence, Missouri has some of the loosest alcohol laws in the US. Hard liquor can be sold in grocery stores and gas stations; bars can double as liquor stores; public intoxication is legal; and open containers are allowed in most areas, including by passengers in vehicles.
e0Mwn TIL that stray cows in Uttar Pradesh, India, are barcoded to help keep track of their location and use unoccupied government buildings to give them shelter.