› added 9 years ago


TIL that Eliahu Itzkovitz’s family was murdered in the Holocaust by a guard named Stănescu. When he learned that Stănescu was serving in the French Foreign Legion, Itzkovitz deserted from the Israeli Navy, joined the Legion, became Stănescu’s trusted subordinate, and gunned him down

KO5eG TIL GoldeneEye 007’s multiplayer mode was so last-minute that neither Rare nor Nintendo management knew about it. The first time executives saw anything was when programmers were playing it.
KOJlw TIL President Lyndon Johnson established the White House Fellows program in 1964. White House Fellows spend a year working as full-time, paid special assistants to senior White House Staff, the Vice President and there can be as many as 1,000 applicants for the eleven to nineteen fellowships
MeaE7 TIL Mississippi set up a commission that became a de facto intelligence organization which surveilled people suspected of being anti-segregationist. The commission was eventually linked to the murder of three civil rights workers. It existed between 1956 and 1977 and profiled over 87 000 people.
QNLEp TIL Ellar Coltrane Kinney Salmon, the person who played the child in "Boyhood," uses the singular they pronoun and rejects the gender binary. "For me, the binary gender demarcation always has felt just kind of like … a charade, like this character that I have to play."
a87OL TIL James West in 1962 invented the transducer microphone. His invention accounts for 90% of all microphones sold today. He also had over 250 patents to his name.