› added 9 years ago


TIL identical twin boys were raised as a brother-sister pair (botched circumcision). The truth came when the one being raised as a girl INSISTED he was a boy; the parents admitted he was the subject of an experiment trying to prove gender identity was nurture, not nature. He later committed suicide.

4XebX TIL: Stalin was actually warned about the Nazi invasion, 'Barbarossa', weeks before it actually happened. Refusing to believe the Nazis had broken the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, dismissing the reports of war as British provocations. More than 800,000 Soviets were killed, 6 million captured.
vPK6B TIL that the oldest named person in history is believed to be Kushim - an accountant dealing with barley sales and living in ancient Sumer (modern day south-central Iraq) in around 3400 - 3000 BCE. At this time, writing was only used for essential record keeping.
oPQK TIL - Sir Ian McKellen became so frustrated filming green screen scenes for The Hobbit that he burst into tears on set.
0wvR TIL that the Tenth Amendment (powers not delegated to Federal gov’t are reserved for states or people) is considered to be superfluous and self-evident, with the Supreme Court even ruling that it “added nothing to the Constitution as originally ratified.”
XEm5k TIL Kylie Jenner isn't really a billionaire. She has a personal net worth of $100 million, and Forbes just controversially added the "estimated worth" of her makeup company, which isn't verifiable due to it being a private company.