› added 6 years ago


Depending on your beliefs (and luck), when you drop dead, a variety of things await what’s left of your handsome corpse. If you’re Christian, you might be put in a box, and your friends will come by to tell each other how great you look. Nobody said this when you were alive—but hey, take what you can get! Hindus are typically cremated, and if you’re a Jedi, you might meet a similar fate while surrounded by Ewoks.If you kick the bucket in certain parts of Mozambique, a wake of vultures might gather round and peck out your lifeless eyeballs. After devouring your eyes, these scavenging birds will most likely move on to your butt. Like Sir Mix-A-Lot—but for different reasons—vultures are preoccupied with the derriere. Vultures are just opportunists, and they naturally go after the soft spots first.National Geographic Explorer Jen Guyton is studying mammal ecology and conservation in Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. In this week’s Today I Learned, Guyton explains that vultures are eating more tush than usual due to loss of larger scavengers. Bon appétit!Click here to read more on why vultures are important.

MXKW TIL Detroit firefighters are being forced to supply their own toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and other basic necessities, or go without.
6A0l TIL that the term “debugging” actually originated, and was popularized by Grace Hopper when her associates discovered and removed an actual moth that was stuck inside a relay of the Harvard Mark II, impeding its performance.
QNPM6 TIL that Austrian actress Eva von Berne was presumed to be dead for 70+ years because a PR consultant at MGM accidentally reported her death in 1930. 96-year-old von Berne said in 2006: "It was fortunate that the world thought that I died. So I did not have to deal with autograph hunters."
D14pj TIL Cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more a person smokes, the lower their IQ, a study in over 20,000 Israeli military recruits suggests
YpvWv TIL there is a small area of Upstate New York that is actually east of Vermont, outside the town of Whitehall, New York in Washington County. The boundary is the Poultney River, with Vermont on the west side, and New York on the east.