› added 4 years ago


TIL the Church of Scientology have argued in court several times that their policy of intimidation and harassment of "enemies of Scientology" should be considered a Constitutionally-protected "core practice" of Scientology

VLgm TIL that the FCC requires that every user be warned to never carry or use a cell phone closer than 15mm (5/8 inch) to the body or risk being exposed to radio frequency levels that exceed safe limits of nonionizing radiation.
DQ5VV TIL Genghis Khan Cooled the Planet by Wiping Out 11% Of The World’s Population, He depopulated so much land that giant forests grew up and scrubbed about 700million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere.
5Vnar TIL that 'Penny dreadful', which started in Britain in the 1830's, were the first 'Pop Culture' product. The serial stories, mass produced for new, young readers, sold up to a million copies per week. Each chapter had 8-16 pages and cost a penny. Sensational topics included crime, the supernatural.
Oo7j7 TIL that Hitler himself disliked the blackletter typeface that many Nazi organizations still use today. The typographical dispute between the Fraktur typeface and the more legible typeface Antiqua came to an end in 1941 Nazi Germany with an edict from Martin Bormann, which forbade blackletter.
Z0QG [TIL] …In Tolkien’s books, Narya (one of the Rings of Power) was owned by Gandalf. In addition, it was explained as, “with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill.” Oh, and it made him pretty much immortal.