› added 3 years ago


TIL that a 59 year old American woman named Velma Thomas came back to life after being declared dead 17 hours earlier, and she had even been taken off life support.

Zp41o TIL "Burning Platform" means the necessity of change despite the fear of the unknown consequences. This metaphor was derived from the fatal explosion of an oil drilling platform in which one survivor had to choose to jump into a sea of burning oil rather than burn on the platform
d8DWd No one is entirely sure. Water has high surface tension, yet the molecules at its surface are unstable, which makes the air-surface interface mysterious and difficult to describe. Satoshi Nihonyanagi, a researcher at a molecular-spectroscopy lab in Japan, studies water and its surface—"specifically probing the interface," he calls it—using isotopically diluted H2O, which doesn't vibrate and is easier to observe. He's found that some water molecules are bound to others by a single hydrogen bond.
E18W0 TIL Jerry Springer was not only once the Mayor of Cincinnati but also once paid for a prostitute with a bad check in 1982.
xB4D TIL that the fabric and wood pieces from the Wright Brothers airplane were flown on the Apollo 11 mission and were in the lunar module Eagle that landed on the Moon with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr.
k5oE TIL that cockroaches experience performance anxiety. A study found that cockroaches running through a hard maze will have more difficulties if other roaches are watching them.