› added 5 years ago


TIL about Alana Saarinen, the girl with three biological parents. Alana’s nuclear DNA is from her mother and father, with mitochondrial DNA from another woman. This procedure has now been banned due to safety and ethical concerns.

1axMd TIl that the expression 'Paint the town red' has actual historical origins. In 1837, the Marquis of Waterford led a group of friends on a night of drinking through the English town of Melton Mowbray. The mob literally painted a tollgate, the doors of several homes a swan statue with red paint.
6EP7m TIL the oatmeal raisin cookie was originally labeled as “health food” despite being almost equally fattening and sugary as chocolate chip cookies.
XbD6 TIL Time doesn’t actually (even perceivably) appear to slow down during life threatening situations - the brain simply makes more dense and detailed memories of the event which makes it seem in retrospect to have lasted longer.
4Xe5R TIL during the 1992 Los Angeles riots, police arrested armed civilians defending Koreatown instead of nearby looters, and police and the National Guard would often protect the suburbs far away from the riot areas, whose businesses were largely left to burn
aWyJ TIL Italy’s Credem Bank takes parmesan cheese from local producers in exchange for cheap loans (charging 3-5% interest, depending on quality) & a fee ensuring the cheese matures properly (2yrs) in the bank vault (cheese is sold if the loan defaults). 430,000 parmesan wheels ($200M+) are stored there