› added 6 years ago


TIL of Scientists who dropped off closed boxes in a remote Ethiopian village containing tablets, taped shut, with no instructions. Within 5 months, the children had not only learned to use 47 apps, but also managed to hack the Android OS.

l7lAA TIL, that Lieutenant Elmo Zumwalt III contracted cancer and died at 42, after getting exposed to Agent Orange while deployed in Vietnam. It was his father, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt who ordered the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.
E10NV TIL the Deadpool film was only given the green light after test footage shot by the directors two years earlier was mysteriously leaked online. At first Ryan Reynolds thought one of the directors had released the footage but whoever leaked the footage at 20th Century Fox still remains anonymous.
GVeJ TIL Tigers, leopards, and jaguars love Calvin Klein’s Obsession for Men. The scent is used to attract animals to cameras in the wilderness.
neWyr TIL that your US mailbox is the property of the US postal service; no one else is allowed to use it. FedEx exists because of a bike courier exception for "extremely urgent" mail. USPS has forced Equifax to pay a $30,000 fine for FedEx use that was not extremely urgent.
b6e64 TIL: Götz von Berlichingen was a German mercenary/"Robin Hood". He lost his right arm in 1504 and had a blacksmith make an iron hand with movable fingers to hold a sword could hold a pen. In 1799, Goethe wrote a biography and included the first use of "kiss my a**". (a plaque commemorates this).