› added 5 years ago


TIL during the 2013 Westgate shopping mall attack in Kenya an ex SAS member and former Irish soldier joined forces to rescue victims of the shooting, organised police to attempt a counter attack and evaded gunfire while rescuing people still trapped in the mall

GV84 TIL A robbery suspect fled into a darkened movie theater to escape pursuing police. He became so engrossed in the movie playing on screen, Robocop, that he failed to notice that police had evacuated all other patrons from the theater. When the lights came on he was taken into custody.
8adJ8 TIL that MaryKay does not give anyone a pink Cadillac. Those that meet the sales targets receive a 24 month lease and each month, depending on sales, either owe the full lease payment, a portion of it, or nothing
p8Zlp TIL When two subatomic particles called “bottom quarks” fuse, they release more than 7x the energy of individual fusion reactions in hydrogen bombs. The physicists who made this discovery kept it a secret until they were certain the discovery cannot be weaponized.
6Eaw7 TIL In 1975 Elvis went to see a movie with his gf. He was spotted by fans and they went crazy. His gf walks up and pranks the fans saying to Elvis, "Charlie, you're not using that Elvis bit again are you? Come on, you're not telling these people that you're Elvis again are you? The fans left.
MlEV TIL that until the late 1960s, men with long hair were prohibited from entering Disneyland because it did not meet the standards of Disney’s unwritten dress code. Employees were also prohibited from having any facial hair because visitors would associate it with un-American activities.