› added 3 years ago


TIL In 1566, celestial phenomena were said to have "fought" together in the form of numerous red and black balls in the sky before the rising sun. The phenomenon has been interpreted by some ufologists to be a sky battle between unidentified flying objects

YpQXZ TIL that the CIA found games such as Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry and even Animal Crossing on Osama Bin Laden's hard drive. They also found anime like Naruto, Bleach and Dragon Ball.
8ZZ4 TIL Andreas Grassl, a german man found in England in 2005, remained unidentified for four months due to his refusal to speak, communicating instead through drawing and playing the piano. This mysterious story spawned media attention and speculation all across the world, dubbing him as the Piano Man
mx8kY TIL of the only surgeon in history to perform an operation with a 300% mortality rate: Dr Robert Liston. During the famous operation, the doctor lost his patient and accidentally caused the death of both his assistant and an elderly bystander.
WG6A TIL: When Robin Williams made his guest appearance on “Louie”, he was so impressed by how hard everyone worked, that when Louis CK handed him his paycheck for his appearance Williams immediately endorsed it and handed it back to CK so it could be distributed amongst them.
DQYnD TIL That Domino's retired their mascot “The Noid” after Kenneth Lamar Noid, a paranoid schizophrenic man who believed the character was meant to mock him, held a Domino's hostage in 1989. The mascot was recently brought back as part of a tie-in with a Crash Bandicoot mobile game.