› added 3 years ago


TIL René Descartes was serving as a mercenary in 1619 when one night, he shut himself in a room to escape the cold. He had 3 visions which he believed to be a new divine philosophy. He likely had an episode of exploding head syndrome. Upon exiting, he had formulated analytical geometry.

KO5OB TIL President Truman was opposed to McCarthyism, which was a means of deplatforming suspected communists without technically violating the first amendment, largely by barring them from employment. "In a free country, we punish men for the crimes they commit, but never for the opinions they have."
wLaoM TIL the $150 million fundraised by Band Aid in 1984 (where the famous song "Do They Know It's Christmas" comes from), which was meant to help famine-struck Ethiopia, actually lead to more deaths since it was given to the corrupt government who used the money to prolong the famine and civil war.
RQE7 TIL that in the 1960’s, for fear of having their submarine communication cables cut by the Soviets, the US military sent 480,000,000 copper needles into space to secure their communications infrastructure. The needles acted as a mirror for radio waves, enabling communication between distant sites.
J1Y9B TIL peanuts grow through a process called “pegging,” in which the “peg” of the plant penetrates the soil
ANp0B TIL According to space law Weapons of mass destruction are prohibited in space and Moon and other celestial bodies can only be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.