› added 3 years ago


TIL that in 2013 Detroit was so broke that they were unable to print out death certificates because they had not been able to pay the company that provided the special embossed paper on which they were printed, and subsequently ran out.

4XW9J TIL Deinonychus, meaning "terrible claw", was the first dinosaur linked to modern birds. It had a long, talon-like claw to help disembowel prey, and it had FEATHERS!
0MOA TIL researchers found a single genetic mutation that occurred about 10 million years ago and endowed our ancestors with a stronger ability to metabolize ethanol. As getting drunk off fruit would render one unable to defend territory or look for food, selection favored those with the new mutation.
0wWDM TIL Inés Ramírez Pérez, a woman from Mexico. A mother of eight kids who had no medical training, performed a successful Caesarean section on herself. With 12 hours of continual pain she used a kitchen knife and three glasses of hard liqour whilst her husband was drinking at a bar.
6EvaZ TIL that the largest amount of babies a woman has given birth to in their lifetime is 69. Mrs. Vassilyeva, who lived in Shuya, Russia in the early 1700s, gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets: 27 pregnancies and 69 children in total.
oBAaY TIL that George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party in 1959 (which is still around today) was murdered by a previous party member that he expelled in 1967 for trying to inject Marxist views in their publications