› added 4 years ago


TIL in the Movie Django unchained, Leonardo Di Caprio bled for real in the scene where he smashes his hand on the table and this was unscripted

7rQjL TIL dreams are thought to strip memories of emotion. According to the theory, this function fails in sufferers of PTSD. Recurring nightmares might therefore be a repeated attempt at performing this function.
D1yWv TIL of the Mt. Iimori monument, an ancient Italian column that survived Pompeii and was donated to Japan by Mussolini in 1928 to honor nineteen teenage samurai who mistakenly committed suicide on the mountain in 1868 after falsely believing their domain had lost a battle in the Japanese Revolution.
NOLM TIL That a man who ran a Chevy dealership by himself for 50 years had some 500 cars in storage from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s that just sat, one of which had just over 1 mile on the odometer. They sold most of the cars for $2.8m at auction.
j6r9N TIL that in 1210, King John of England imprisoned a noble named Maud de Braose with her son William in a dungeon beneath Corfe Castle, and left there to starve to death. When their bodies were retrieved 11 days later, it was found that Maud had eaten parts of her son’s body before she died.
J1Bb8 TIL The nucli of multicellular fungi cells can migrate, if a fungus encounters something strange like a substance that can't be broken down, nuclei will concentrate in that area to try and find a mutation that can break it down, brute-forcing their DNA, seen also with consuming plastic and radiation