› added 2 years ago


TIL Ethanol works as an antiknock agent just as well as tetraethyllead (TEL) when blended in fuel at 20-30%. General Motors decided to go with TEL instead of ethanol because it was patentable and thus profitable. Internal memos showed they knew of TEL alternatives but publicly denied them.

DQ1nJ TIL Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" is a cover originally released in 1929 by Memphis Minnie and Kansas Joe McCoy. The time between both recordings was 42 years, but it has been 51 years since the 1971 release of Zeppelin's version.
J1n71 TIL that the Edwards aquifer in Texas is one of the most biodiverse subterranean systems in the world. Several species are only found in that area, with a species of blind catfish (curiously the only species in the genus Satan) coming out of wells 610m deep.
X0V0P TIL Before the Battle of Stamford Bridge, King Harold Godwinson offered his traitor brother, supporting the Norse under Harald Hardrada, his earldom back if he would betray Harald. When asked by his brother what he would give Hardrada for his trouble, Godwinson replied "Seven feet of English ground"
6bm8 TIL the highest paid across all U.S. Department of Defense employees are three football coaches of the service branch teams
R57Ej Til that your body has a relatively constant total daily energy expenditure. It will allow temporarily elevated caloric burns but the more days that you increase your expenditure, it will normalize your daily expenditure by showing or shutting down other processes.