› added 9 years ago


TIL of Andrew Kehoe who committed the deadliest mass murder at a U.S. elementary school. May 18, 1927. It Included his wife, 6 adults and 37 children. In the aftermath, investigators found a wooden sign Kehoe had apparently wired to a fence on his farm that read, “Criminals are made, not born.”

8eAxP TIL in 2003 the BBC aired a promotion for it's drama programming featuring a woman falling off a cliff while a couple nearby watch with the tagline "Everyone likes to watch." It was pulled after 3 airings on the same day.
J1jem TIL: In Michelangelo’s painting The Last Judgment Biagio da Cesena, a priest, is depicted being tortured in hell after complaining about the nudity. He complained to the pope, but he joked that his jurisdiction doesn't extend to hell
a8OAZ TIL the home security system was invented in 1966 by New York nurse Marie Van Brittan Brown and her husband Albert, who was an electrician. They received the first patent for such an invention.
w1p1 TIL Broken Heart Syndrome is a real medical condition and is so-named because cases are often triggered by the death of a loved one. Diagnosed mainly in females, it results in a misshapen heart unable to pump blood properly and can trigger a heart attack or even death.
1aJPr TIL that a man in Sudan was forced to MARRY A GOAT by his local council of elders after being caught in the act with it by the goat's owner. He also had to pay a $50 dowry to the owner. It is not clear if they are still together.