› added 9 years ago


TIL that in January 1997, the capitol of Ghana rioted over accusations of penis snatching wizards. Several people were killed by mobs who accused them of using magic handshakes to kidnap penises and hold them for ransom.

loaGB TIL A new color. Eigengrau is a shade of grey that we can all see, but never knew what it was called. The color is visible when you open your eyes in a pitch black room. All you need to do is find the darkest room in your house, walk in, close your eyes for a minute, open them and you’ll see it!
0JlA TIL that when a man was still required to pay back child support payments even after the DNA test proved he wasn’t the father, the sympathetic judge set the payments at $1/month for 1000 years, with no interest.
Qrje TIL the word evolution does not appear once in Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species’ (1859). Instead he uses the word 'transmutation’.
pYA5G TIL Dictator Muammar Gaddafi had a strange obsession with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. He had Libya's most famous composer write her a song called "Black Flower in the White House." A photo album full of pictures of her was also found next to his bed by opposition fighters
D1awD TIL in 1934, Swiss banking secrecy laws were strengthened to encourage Jews of Central & Eastern Europe, fearful of Nazis, to hide their assets in Swiss banks. After a majority of those depositors died during the Holocaust, the laws were used to wrongfully deny their heirs access to those accounts