› added 8 years ago


TIL Weird Al Yankovic had asked permission from Prince to parody his songs on numerous occasions, and has always been refused. When the two were assigned to sit in the same row at an award’s show, he got a telegram from Prince’s lawyers demanding he not make eye contact

kOaE1 TIL of Sessue Hayakawa, a Japanese actor who was one of the biggest stars in 1910s Hollywood while being an early sex symbol. After growing tired of playing stereotyped roles he created his own production company, helping improve public opinion on Asians, while making a staggering $2 million a year.
KYQJ TIL Einstein proposed in an inch long equation: “Gravity” doesn’t pull, instead space pushes. “Gravity” is only the apparent effect of the bends in space. G = 8 π T
7rjPr TIL after executing the royal Romanov family the Cheka gathered up distant relatives and threw them down the same mine shaft they put the royal family. Many people didn't die so they used grenades to finish them off. When that didn't work they put brushwood down the shaft and lit it on fire.
Xw46 TIL that when Benjamin Franklin died in 1790, he willed the cities of Boston and Philadelphia $4,400 each, but with the stipulation that the money could not be spent for 200 years. By 1990 Boston’s trust was worth over $5 million.
nZp7 TIL Scientists recently discovered that some of the most powerful “space winds” in the universe, blowing at 125 million mph from black holes could be killing galaxies.