› added 1 year ago


TIL that in 1987, Kenneth Parks drove 20 kilometres in his sleep before attacking and killing his mother-in-law and injuring his father-in-law. He woke up on the way home and turned himself in. He was later found not guilty.

9YWgm TIL that Für Elise, one of Beethoven's most popular compositions, was not published during his lifetime. It was only discovered in 1867, 40 years after his death.
R7R9w Let’s say you’re doing 100 mph in a car and suddenly a downed tree, stopped the car, or person appears in the road up ahead and you need to slam on the brakes. How much more dangerous is that situation than when you’re doing 70 mph? Your intuition might tell you that 100 mph is only 30% more than 70 mph. But as this video shows, the important factor in stopping a car (or what happens to the car when it collides with something else) does not speed but energy, which increases at the square of speed. In other words, going from 70 mph to 100 mph more than doubles your energy…and going from 55 to 100 more than triples it.
QNkjM TIL The Aristocrats joke gained public attention when Gilbert Gottfried told it in an attempt to win back the audience after his 9/11 joke at the Friar’s Club was poorly received. For context, this happened 18 days after the attack.
E1bwo TIL that the Groom of the Stool (person in charge of helping the English monarch poop) was a coveted position of power and influence due to the close, intimate access to the King/Queen.
r0Go TIL that The initial intention was that Joker was originally meant to be killed off in Batman #1