› added 12 years ago


TIL that game #11982 is the only unbeatable game out of the original 32,000 Windows FreeCell games.

l70lG TIL OJ Simpson wrote a book titled If I Did It after being found not guilty for the murder of his ex wife Nicole. After filing for bankruptcy a judge awarded all profits of the book to the family of his ex wife who promptly changed the cover to say I Did It with the if in tiny font.
QNZE6 TIL the British National Archives found 29 forgeries, planted within 12 of their files, which all support elaborate claims made about WWII by historian Martin Allen, who is believed to be the only person to check out all those files. But the CPS decided not to prosecute, in part due to his health.
JYmLj TIL That Cockroaches are rapidly developing immunity to pesticides and passing it on to their young. Scientists that foused the roaches with two different pesticides failed to control them, with three, they were able to control the population but not kill.
nXjo TIL that if you fall in a pool of lava, you will not sink into it. the density of lava is three times greater than a human body and between a hundred thousand to a million times more viscous than water
xV100 TIL that in 1972, in York, England archaeologists discovered the largest piece of fossilized human feces ever found. The dung measured 7 inches long and 2 inches wide and was created by a Viking in the 9th century who’s diet consisted of meat and bread and was riddled with intestinal worms.