› added 1 year ago


TIL there is an inmate on Texas’ Death Row called William George Davis. He was a former nurse, who was sentenced for killing 4 people by injecting air into their arterial systems. He supposedly did this to extend the patients time in the ICU letting him earn more overtime pay.

oQYA TIL Dogs can sense Earth’s magnetic field, and will attempt to align themselves facing north when they poop in an unfamiliar place. This is why they often spin before they defecate.
rRNGM Frozen in time, Franz Josef Land is one of the last lingering remnants of the truly wild Arctic. The remote and nearly uninhabited 192-island archipelago is renowned for its biodiversity, which includes polar bears, walruses, bowhead whales, belugas, and narwhals. The intensifying impact of climate change, however, nearly turned this serene environment deadly for National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala and his crew.
EwD0 TIL of Lyuba, the most well preserved Wooly Mammoth in the world. He skin and organs are in perfect condition, and scientists found her mother’s milk in her stomach, along with feces in her intestines.
ne1ed TIL that the English language term "smoking" was coined in the late 18th century; before then the practice was known as "drinking smoke".
WkJ1B TIL Playboy Hugh Hefner's young son, Cooper, teaches a course called "New Landscape of Media" at Chapman University. Hefner is also on the Board of Directors for Children Of The Night, an organization that has been dedicated to fighting human trafficking and child prostitution