› added 9 years ago


TIL a 1995 WHO study that stated “Occasional cocaine use does not typically lead to severe or even minor physical or social problems” was never published because the US threatened to withdraw US funding for all WHO research projects

v1bQr TIL that on Halloween 1989, a K-Mart employee in Florida chased down a shoplifter while dressed as Batman. He had been trying his costume on for a Halloween party that night when the shoplifter struck. He recovered four cartons of cigarettes and two videocassettes.
6EQDQ TIL of the "Chicken poop prison" in Thailand. The ceiling of the cells was a grate, and chickens were cared for above the cell. Their dung was then allowed to drop freely onto the criminal within.
wQkJ TIL China’s only monogamous emperor made the decision to promote monogamy because one of his father’s women murdered his mom. He was hidden because the consort killed the emperor’s heirs in an attempt to gain power. When it was discovered that one had survived, she killed his mom instead.
819a TIL in an Ontario, Canada POW camp during WWII, many German naval officers desired to stay for the duration of the war as they were gardens, tennis courts, a swimming pool, and they were even allowed to buy beer, cigarettes and dry goods from a mail-order catalogue.
noVG TIL there is such a thing as one-way bulletproof glass. This allows you to return fire through the glass while still keeping you protected from the attacker (your shot leaves a bullet-sized hole, but doesn’t compromise the rest of the shield).