› added 11 years ago


TIL that the Bible has been translated into Hawaiian Pidgin. It is called ‘Da Jesus Book’

N7Xb1 Eighty-five years so far. The pitch-drop experiment—really more of a demonstration—began in 1927 when Thomas Parnell, a physics professor at the University of Queensland in Australia, set out to show his students that tar pitch, a derivative of coal so brittle that it can be smashed to pieces with a hammer, is in fact a highly viscous fluid. It flows at room temperature, albeit extremely slowly.
LkdrV TIL about the Sacred Band of Thebes, which was a company of 150 pairs of homosexual lovers, who were considered amongst the most elite soldiers of their time.
4XZXw TIL In Ohio a shopping center was Built on a toxic landfill. The center opened in 2006 but by 2012 the majority of the tenants had abandoned the property. Tests show toxins continue to seep into the air and groundwater to this day.
X0mor TIL: shortly after “Pulp Fiction” was released, Steven Spielberg invited Tarantino on a hunting trip. There, Spielberg predicted that Tarantino would win an Oscar for Best Screenplay, while Robert Zemeckis would win an Oscar for Best Director. Spielberg's assertion was exactly how it all played out.
yQmle TIL that in 1920, the town of Jackson, Wyoming elected an all-female town council by a margin of 2-1 over the men, drawing the most voters the town had ever seen. Known as the "pettycoat rulers," the women served for 3 years and did a great deal to clean up the notoriously lawless town.