› added 9 years ago


TIL of the Edelweiss Pirates, a youth group in Nazi Germany dedicated to opposing the Hitler Youth. Their resistance included spreading Ally propaganda in Germany, aiding German deserters, and even starting street fights with the Hitler Youth whenever possible.

78kwL TIL in 1991, the last of California's manual telephone switchboards, which used pull and plug cords, was being replaced with computerized equipment. Most phone companies had replaced them in the 1950s but the owner of Kerman Telephone Company stalled because he did not want to lay off any operators
69Wrw TIL after AC/DC vocalist Bon Scott died of alcohol poisoning, the band considered disbanding. Scott's parents requested that they not disband. So they hired Brian Johnson as their new frontman and made Back in Black, which became the second best selling album of all time
wAkW TIL A Florida Sheriff’s Office twice arrested the wrong “Ashley Chiasson”, who served 5 weeks in jail, even though there was a 20lb and 5 inch difference in the women and they had a different middle name. Key witnesses and victims were not shown photo lineups to identify the suspect in both cases.
GYabJ TIL Due to some deeply evolved responses to disease, fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic, and less accepting of eccentricity.
vapB TIL there is a poem in Mandarin Chinese that, when spoken, sounds like the same word being repeated 92 times. It is actually a descriptive story of a man eating stone lions.