› added 11 years ago


TIL that the book of Proverbs, which contains many maxims condemning adultery, was written by a man who had 700 wives, 300 concubines, and an affair with the Queen of Sheba.

mxmoO TIL Female brown trout will fake 'orgasms' when courting with inferior males. She'll give all the right visual cues as if about to release eggs for fertilisation, but doesn't; the male will frantically ejaculate, not notice he's been duped, and swim away.
ZD4Y TIL that Snopes, wanting to stress that people shouldn’t believe everything they read, created a few entries with myths they made up and marked them “true”. Tv channel TLC ran an urban legends show that on one episode said something to be true. That something was one of the myths created by Snopes.
x61Vg TIL Miami has an underwater graveyard, Neptune Memorial Reef. Cremated remains are mixed with concrete and formed into sculptures, with a copper plate marking each sculpture, so that family can dive and know where to visit their loved one’s specific resting place
Oll1 TIL: The FTC states that your eye care provider must give you a copy of your contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions — whether or not you ask for them.
j6V1v TIL the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was given to Julius Wagner-Jauregg for curing mental illness by giving patients malaria. (He was, in fact, curing them of syphilis because the malaria fevers are so high that they kill the bacteria. The malaria was subsequently cured with quinine.)