› added 10 years ago


TIL An Indian man named Dashrath Manjhi carved a 360 foot long path through a mountain over the course of 22 years to reduce the distance between his village and the hospital down from 70km to 1km, to ensure no one would die like his wife did because they could not get medical care.

QNNAL TIL Baseball player Al "The Hebrew Hammer" Rosen was an amateur boxer and known for challenging anyone who insulted his heritage, or used anti-Semitic slurs, to fight. His stated preferred method for dealing with anti-Semitism was to 'Flatten them'.
ADjya TIL Baby horses are born with "feathers", AKA faery fingers or golden slippers (real name eponychium). They protect the mother's uterus during gestation and birth canal during parturition from damage from the otherwise sharp and dangerous hoof kicks. They harden and fall off very soon after birth.
7r9MO TIL famous mathematician Kurt Gödel became paranoid of being poisoned in his old age. He was so afraid that he only ate his wife's cooking, and died of starvation after she passed away.
XEmD6 TIL There is no such thing as a Right brain/Left brain personality divide. A 2013 brain scan study from the University of Utah, demonstrated that activity is similar on both sides of the brain regardless of one’s personality.
jNdwX TIL that sunflowers can clean up radioactive waste. Certain radioactive isotopes are similar to the nutrients sunflowers normally need, so as they grow, they take up radiation out of the soil.