› added 7 years ago


TIL The KKK tried to to set up a kerosene-soaked cross at Spring Hill College due to its supporting the civil rights movement. When the students were alerted they chased the Klansmen away with whatever items they could use as weapons like golf clubs, tennis rackets, bricks, and softball bats.

m1nAx TIL that a crocodile reached 39 feet in length. Sarcosuchus (nicknamed "SuperCroc") had a jaw so powerful that it could crush bone, which the animal used to hunt dinosaurs and other prey much larger than itself. SuperCroc weighed 8 tons, equal to two adult elephants, but went extinct with dinosaurs.
mxQyM TIL because pendulum clocks are unreliable at sea, the first attempt at a marine chronometer was undertaken in 1673 utilizing a balance wheel and spring for regulation instead of a pendulum. This opened the way for the first modern pocket watches and wristwatches.
4XBBo TIL about Clarence Elkins, a man who was falsely convicted of murdering his mother-in-law. He believed that the killer was Earl Mann, a local criminal, also in the same jail. In prison, he stole one of Mann's cigarettes and sent it to his wife. After DNA testing showed a match, Elkins was released.
ydNM TIL In 2003, Prеs. Bush startеd PEPFAR, providing antirеtroviral drugs to African nations, lowеring thе AIDS ratе by 10% and saving 1.1 million livеs
5YKoR TIL that Greenland Has a Grand Canyon Beneath Its Ice, Carved by Ancient Floods, where Ancient topography lurks beneath the white expanse.