› added 7 years ago


TIL that when somebody rings the doorbell on Fuller House, whoever is in the living room says "It's always open!", a reference to the Olsen twins, who have repeatedly rejected requests to appear on the show

VMBJD Maybe, but it’s going to take a long time. For the past 200,000 years or so, fatty and sugary foods were hard for humans to come by and well worth gorging on. Fats help maintain body temperature, sugars provide energy, and craving such food is hardwired: Eating fats and sugars activates reward centers in the brain.
7r0RO TIL Stalin was photographed with three deputies. The first deputy fell out of favour and was doctored out of the photo. The second duty eventually fell out of favour and was also removed. After the last deputy fell out of favour, only Stalin remained in the re-re-re-edited photo.
Z8Pga TIL the train schedule in Tokyo is so reliable that if they run more than 5 minutes late, they issue a note to passengers to prove to their employers that it was the train's fault they were late to work
Z8rrQ TIL in the 1900s the Austerlitz family in Omaha, Lutheran German emigrants, moved to New York City in hopes of finding fortune through their children's vaudeville talents. The son wore a top hat and studied tango, waltz, and other ballroom dances. He would become Fred Astaire.
XEeok TIL: Eggs from hens raised on pastures "contain twice as much vitamin E and long-chain omega-3 fats, 2.5-fold more total omega-3 fatty acids, and less than half the ratio of omega-6:omega-3 fatty acids" than eggs from commercial hens