› added 5 years ago


TIL That General Eisenhower wrote a personal letter of rebuke in case the D-day landings failed, in which he accepted full responsibility for the failure. He refused to blame the troops at all and commended them for their valour, intending to dedicate the letter to them if the landings failed.

5Y1rB TIL that in the 2012 Kuwait athletics event, The technicians accidentally played the Borat version of the Kazakh national anthem during the medal ceremony of the Kazakhstan winner.
j6ZMN TIL the Yamato Colony was a 1905 Japanese settlement in Florida created by businessmen and State authorities to spur agriculture and trade. By WWII the remaining Japanese were interned in camps and had their land taken away. Today only a museum and park remain.
GYxrG TIL the Bull Arab originates from Australia and is commonly called the Australian Pig Dog since they were originally developed to hunt and hold pigs pinned to the ground by the ear. Currently, its breed status is not recognized as a breed by any major kennel club.
eEJb TIL that in 1945, the day before Germany surrendered, the RAF shot a boat carrying holocaust victims, killing about 5,000 people. Three times as many as died on the Titanic
6V7X TIL Penn Jillette once cut his thumb open during his Vegas show while juggling broken bottles. He continued performing, bleeding all over props, a double bass, and Teller. The next day the wound was still bleeding so he had it glued shut on the air for his radio show.