› added 4 years ago


TIL that many scholars believe that nursery rhyme "Ring around the Rosie" is written about the symptoms of Black Death, the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history.

W7enB TIL there’s a historic carriage house atop a factory in Syracuse, NY. It was updated but locals didn’t like the blue color so it was painted the original shade. Now, it’s a 128 unit affordable housing development
eAw5 TIL that during WWII, there was an independent committee that rooted out corruption and profiteering. It is credited with saving 14bn dollars and thousands of lives - yet frequent calls for a modern version have not been heard.
Lkrkd TIL about Mobutu Sese Seko, the military dictator of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) from 1965 to 1997. Mobutu was supported by the U.S government as an anti-Communist force in Africa, while his regime is regarded as one of the worst in terms of human rights violations
PAJO TIL the reason the Gamecube and Wii cannot play standard DVD discs is because the consoles spin the media at a constant angular velocity (the disc spins at the same speed regardless of the laser’s position) versus a constant linear velocity as with standard drives/players.
6nPX TIL Berthold Stauffenberg, brother of Claus von Stauffenberg (chief conspirator in 20 July assasination plot to kill Hitler) was executed by being strangled and then revived multiple times. The execution and multiple resuscitations were filmed for Hitler to view at his leisure.