› added 4 years ago


TIL the word "daily" in the Lord's Prayer ("our daily bread") translates from the ancient Greek word "epiousios," which appears twice in the New Testament and nowhere else in any known ancient Greek text. We're not 100% sure of its meaning-some say it means "necessary" or "for the future" instead.

QJXbE TIL the US once printed paper money in cent denominations. Known as 'fractional currency', it was introduced in 1862 because people were hoarding coins for their precious metals. Issued in denominations of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, and 50 cents, they are still technically legal tender (spendable) today.
0Xjy TIL that the word “nincompoop” meaning a fool or silly person comes from the Latin phrase “non compos mentis” meaning “not of sound mind”
pYrWZ TIL that the morning after the Titanic sank, a man on a nearby vessel who was unaware of the sinking photographed an iceberg with a red streak he suspected to be paint from a ship. For years the law firm for White Star Line, the Titanic’s owner, had the original displayed in their office.
RMA6 TIL The Dutch East India Company was the most valuable company ever in world history. With a value of 78 million Dutch Guilders, adjusted to 2012 dollars it was worth $7.4 trillion.
1LaX TIL that the dying King George V was euthanised with morphine in 1936, according to doctor’s notes, to ensure that his death would be announced in morning papers and not in the “less appropriate” evening papers.