› added 3 years ago


TIL that while on death row, Ted Bundy reached out to a detective investigating the Green River Killer offering to help get inside the mind of a murderer. His insight helped lead to an arrest.

J94j TIL In 1941, the British Secret Intelligence Service, using fake charities, delivered copies of Monopoly to prisoners of war held by the Nazis. Hidden inside these games were maps, compasses, real money, and other objects useful for escaping.
R7r6j TIL Tyler Perry’s films are so profitable because he uses his own studios (Tyler Perry Studios), which occupy two former Delta Air Lines affiliated buildings including over 200,000 sq ft. of sets and office space. The Walking Dead also utilizes Tyler Perry Studios to film scenes in The Kingdom.
YpbwG TIL that “Frasier” was going to be based in Denver. Far from Boston to prevent NBC from demanding that other characters from Cheers make guest appearances on the new show during its first season. After first choosing Denver, the producers ultimately chose Seattle as the setting.
yRml TIL that in 1891, hundreds of Italian-Americans were arrested due to their ethnicity, 11 were lynched, and Teddy Roosevelt said this was a good thing
LEjm TIL the US Patent and Trademark Office has the ability to suppress patents that it deems a danger to national security. As of 2012, over 5300 patents have been suppressed and Congress wants to give the USPTO broader powers to limit inventions that could damage the economy.