› added 5 years ago


TIL there are 'super-recognisers'. These people are so good at remembering faces, even after a fleeting glance, that law enforcement employs them. They were responsible for identifying the two men who poisoned Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

R5r7a TIL Willow Creek, California is known as " Bigfoot Capital of the World" and has a Bigfoot Museum housing 30 plaster cast footprints, including one measuring 16 inches. It is close to Bluff Creek, where the famous Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot footage was filmed
Bo1r TIL that in reference to the biblical figure, Onan, who was condemned for the sin of masturbation, noted satirist and wit Dorothy Parker alleges she also named her canary Onan “because he spilled his seed on the ground”.
8avXP TIL that the first emperor of China's tomb (Of Terracota Army Fame) has not yet been explored. Ancient historians wrote that tombs contains rivers of mercury mechanically operated to flow like real rivers; modern tests have reported mercury levels in the soil over 100 times what occurs naturally
JAr8 TIL That President Ulysses S. Grant gave a homeless loiterer a free ride to the US Naval Academy. This man was Albert Michelson, who then went on to discover the speed of light and win a Nobel Peace Prize.
4XY0g TIL for much of the 1800s in the UK, Sunday and Monday were the unofficial weekend, with Sunday for Church and Monday being adopted by workers as an unofficial holiday, mockingly called "St. Monday" (like a religious holiday). By the late 1800s, Monday became a workday, and Saturday a half workday.