› added 4 years ago


TIL elevators in America (ADA compliant) they need to make an audible ding when going up. And double ding ding when going down. Many elevators also make a noise when at the ground floor. For many blind people this is a lifeline which enables them to use elevators.

Ja8l TIL the fastest red card in a football/soccer game was after 2 seconds for “foul language”. After the whistle to start the game Lee Todd said “Fuck me, that was loud”
v7J7 TIL there was a tradition in Norway, Denmark and the Faroe Islands where a girl would knit a “willy warmer” (also known as cock sock) to their boyfriends to see how seriously he took their relationship. If the gift was rejected, it was seen as evidence that he was not ready for marriage.
jNM7N TIL that in 1948, Congress authorized a study on heart health. The town of Framingham, MA was selected and residents began what is now one of the longest longitudinal medical studies in history. Five generations later, the Framingham Heart Study continues to provide valuable insights.
rRx1d TIL Frank Sinatra starred in a porno at the age of 19. Embarrassed about it Sinatra, "called his friends in the mob" to stop the movies release.
ANOyn TIL of August Kubizek, a friend of Hitler when they were teenagers. It was only thirty years later after Hitler abruptly cut off communication with Kubizek that Hitler rekindled his friendship with Kubizek in 1938. After the war, he wrote a book called "The Young Hitler I Knew" in 1955.