› added 6 years ago


TIL that one of history's most successful pirates was a Chinese prostitute named Ching Shih. She commanded a fleet of over 1,500 ships and 80,000 sailors.

lom8N TIL a fan asked the studio making the 2018 Spider-man game on twitter to include a marriage proposal as an easter-egg which they agreed to do. They wrote "Maddie will you marry me?" on a theater marquee in the game but the couple broke up before the game was even released and it is still there.
W7VPo TIL some of the last German Soldiers to fight the Red Army during the Battle of Berlin were in fact foreign volunteers of the Waffen SS. Frenchmen of the 33rd Charlemagne Division and Scandinavians of the 11th Nordland Division joined together as some of the last defenders of the Third Reich.
XEB1P TIL that the Arikara, not the Lakota, were the original inhabitants of what is now Mount Rushmore (The Black Hills). The Lakota (hailing from what is now Minnesota) settled the region in the 18th century, driving out the native inhabitants.
8e6lK TIL: BBC interviewed a man who married a fictional girl. In 2019, 12% of people in Japan reported falling in love with anime/game characters. According to Sociologist Masahiro Yamada, the rise in pseudo relationships is due to hard work life and a dwindling pool of well paid men.
y1wp TIL of the Holodomor, mass-deaths resulting from man-made famine in Ukraine during 1932. The highest estimates of death tolls rival the Holocaust with anywhere from 3 to 12 million killed.